Monday, December 7, 2015

finals: from good to great to bad to worse

So it's final's week. The week the previous semester has allegedly prepared you for. And you are probably feeling like me right now: COMPlETlELY AND oVERlY oveRWhELmEDD.

But that's okay, because here is a story of how my finals week went via gif-meme-storytime.


During the week before Thanksgiving break, you look ahead at your life and laugh. All that finals stuff is so far away.

During thanksgiving break, you laugh in the face of homework.

But then, on the Sunday before classes start, you look at Blackboard.

So. Much. Homework. "Okay, no big deal. I can do this."

2am Monday morning:

Monday morning, you walk into class like

And your English professor asks if you want to take the test in class, and you're like

But then you figure out your science professor has decided to do the test online, and you're all

But then you get the assignment sheet for your poetry class and it calls for six pages and six poem analyses and it's like

But you're still determined to do well.

You're trying to get your group presentation together and you're partners aren't answering their emails, so you just

But you still nail that presentation, thanks in no small part to yourself.

You finally finish the last week of classes and head home for a weekend full of homework, but you're still pretty optimistic because you only have to go to campus once next week.

But then you check your email on Friday and your English professor has finally sent out the final assignment, and you see it's still due Tuesday of finals week.

And then you look at the four essay prompts and realize you have never seen these topics before in your life.

Suddenly, your entire easy week of finals is in flames.

You throw yourself into homework and books and internet searches in an attempt to get ahead of things.

And then you realize that 'tis all in vain. Finals are swallowing you.

In denial, you studiously work away...

Until you finally have a breakdown.

There is no saving you.

You walk around on campus looking at your friends like

And they look just as traumatized as you.

Eventually, you get to the point where nothing matters. What do you care if you don't graduate?

But you still lie awake at night like

Teacher: "How dare you plagiarize?"

You start lashing out at your family in frustration.

Your siblings know you're going through finals, yet they still ask if you want to go see a movie.

But you go anyway, crying the whole time about how badly you're procrastinating.

Kinda like I am right now.

Yeah, that's right. Blogception.


1 comment:

Kel Giese said...

Aww it's okay Ana! I'm sure you'll do fine. Just take a deep breath and relax. You've got this. :)
And that picture you used of Luke. Good job. 😂😂👍🏻