Onto the subject matter.
For the last going-on-three years, I've (*SCREECHY GASP* BATTERY POWER AT 3%?!?!?! AND BROTHER TOOK MY CHARGER TO COLLEGE?!?!?!? *ANGRY PIRATE GROWL*) participated in the phenomenon that is NaNoWriMo. But, miraculously, I've been booked for the past two Novembers. Amazing coincidence, isn't it? The first year I discovered NaNoWriMo, my little sister was born via C-section, thus resulting in me and my other sister housekeeping whilst my mother recovered. The second November, we were in the middle of packing up to move out of our old house. So, this November, I am totally dedicated to finishing a novel in one month.
Yes. Yes I am.
I am stunned at how much I have planned, being one of those non-planners. I usually like to go by the whim of things, to "fly by the seat of my pants," as my daddy would say. I usually make up the characters, get a grasp of the basic storyline, then start writing and see where it takes me. I've found that I usually get extremely bored and confused by the middle of my book, so this time I decided I would fully outline and plan this year's NaNoWriMo novel.
So, I sat down with my brain. Yes, I really did. I had it in my lap. Oh, I should probably clarify that. You see, I own a binder called "my brain". I actually put stickers on it called that and everything.
<<< That, my friends, is my brain. I suggest every writer in the world get one. It can be anything you want—whatever works for you. mine is a binder, which I write whatever I want in and regularly print random pictures of random people whom I believe in my small little head to look like my characters, and then I also have a whole wall of sticky notes over there too.
<<< Yes, that's my new house. Yes, that's my shoulder. Yes, that shirt is new. Yes, it's quite awesome. My little brother is hiding somewhere in this picture too. Mysterious, isn't it?
So anyways. I sat down with my brain to plan out my book and GASP!!! I actually did it!!! I wrote out detailed character bios, planned a very quick overview of the entire book, and now I'm currently going chapter by chapter and penning down detailed synopses of each one. I'm on chapter 11! YAY!!!
So that's my NaNoWriMo story of me actually doing NaNoWriMo this year. For real. And not cheating. ;)
All for now!! Check back for a sneak peek on what I'm writing.... >:}
(It just occurred to me that none of my typey smiley faces have noses...)
So, how's your NaNoWriMo adventure looking?
MY NANOWRIMO PAGE LINK: http://ywp.nanowrimo.org/user/588296