Saturday, January 18, 2014

Wrandom Writing Tip #7: Perfectionism and why it DOESN'T help a writer.




*ignore harder*


*finally look over* "WHAT?!"

"You spelled that wrong."

*look back* "OH, you're right, I did! Let me just change that." *flow of writing is totally broken as goes back to fix problem*

"Oh, but there's another problem!"

"Oh, and another!"

"Did you or your four year old brother write this?!"


Does this conversation sound familiar? You've probably had it with yourself over four hundred times, or so a new study says (study does not exist). Who am I, you're wondering? Oh, let me explain.

My name is perfectionism. I am the heart and soul of Anastasia Cross.

You see, Ana here is a severe perfectionist. She is all about grammar, spelling, right sentence structure, engaging prose, etc. You may be like, "So? I am too!" Then you are also one of my victims.

Perfectionism is a deadly disease to writers, up there with Writer's Block and Character Limpage. I cause people to be acutely aware of their faults as writers, and all of their annoying writing habits that have to be corrected eventually. And the worst part is...I DO IT ALL THE TIME. Even during the rough draft!

*spooky music*

Why am I such a problem? Well, you see, rough drafts are supposed to be rough, by definition. Unfortunately, I force writers to try and make their first draft perfect, thus causing Writer's Block, Character Limpage, Prose Dullogos, and Mybookstinkititus. So really, I could possibly be the cause behind EVERY WRITER PROBLEM IN THE WORLD (for some).

I know I am for Anastasia.

How do you get rid of me, you wonder? I don't think you can. I penetrate your very personality. And truthfully, I am not wholly bad. In some cases I can be good—but not for writing. I am a terrible companion for a writer.

But there are ways to suppress or even ignore me.

So, how do you do it? Well, it's a learned habit. You must push past me as you write, forcing yourself not to care if the beginning doesn't set the right 'aura' or if your grammar reeks or if your character is being naughty. You just have to write. That's all that matters right now is that you get words on the paper. As soon as you start ignoring me, I'll get less and less noticeable, until you manage to suppress me to the very back of your mind. As you do keep ignoring, I'll get smaller and smaller and less pushy until I seem to disappear completely. I will get easier and easier to ignore, but you have to start right now!

Sometimes I may come back. Don't let me. Just keep ignoring me, keep writing no matter what. I don't care if your bad guy becomes your good guy and everyone goes crazy in the end, that's what revisions are for. First drafts are for IDEAS and WRITING, not PERFECTION.

/\/\/\That is a very important fact.

So, have I given you something to do? Ignore me? Go ahead. I won't be around forever. Soon, you'll be able to snap your fingers and get rid of me just like that.

(Anastasia is still working on this. Isn't it funny how much she loves and hates me?)

So you're welcome. I just gave you my greatest weakness—ignoring. Ignore me and I'll be gone before you know it.



Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

Happy new year! What was the first thing you did on January 1st, 12:00 am, 2014? I changed the channel from watching the ball in New York back to Batman and Robin (1997) on the Hub. I know, I do things right.

So, what's your new year's resolution? I haven't quite figured mine out yet. I think I'm deciding to get The Journey re-published and edited again. My brother has graciously agreed to edit it again, and he said his friend "knew people" (whatever that means, hopefully I won't be killed or anything by a mysterious ninja because of my book or something), so I think I'm deciding on that. Me and my agent decided mid-April, around the 15th, would be our deadline for finishing and republishing The Journey—exactly a year since it was originally published. Of course we'll have to re-copyright it and such...but it shouldn't be too hard of a problem.

The new year holds lots of possibilities! I'm always excited this time of year. And this is a BIG year for me; GRADUATION!! High school graduation, that is. I graduate in May and I will be attending college in August. OOH. SCARY. I'm so old and wrinkly and stuff. Frankly I'm a little apprehensive (that was a big word, Ana. Thanks, I've been reading my vocabulary homework.) But I know God has me in His hands (lucky me!).

Anyways, whatever your new year's resolution, I wish you the best of luck this new and surely fantasmical new year!!!

God bless all!!!