Saturday, October 19, 2013

Well, Life is Back to Normal. Mostly.

For the past 9+ months, I have been living in mayhem and catastrophe.

Which is mostly why I haven't posted recently.

First of all, let me make clear that I have a family of nine people. That's two parents, seven kids, ages 19–1 years. 19, 17, 15, 12, 8, 4, and 1, in fact. So, imagine us in a 2500 square foot house with four bedrooms. Not TOO hard, right? Well, we were paired up, though, two people a room, and we had one kid left over. So we decided poor littlest sister couldn't sleep in Mommy and Daddy's room forever, so we decided to build a 4300 (appx) square foot house. We had already sold our house, so we needed to get out pronto. Luckily, my grandma had just bought a two-bedroom 100 square foot condo, and she offered to let us live in it for the 4-5 months it would take for our house to be finished. It was a tight squeeze, but we figured the four months would be over really fast.

Happy and excited and ready to go, plus we live next to a Chik-Fil-A. Pretty happy.

Getting a little suspicious since they haven't started on the house, but figure it'll be like Extreme Home Makeover or something.

Getting really agitated at D.R. Horton for taking so long on building our house but still holding out hope for five months.

Really sick of living in condo. Parents are getting a little crazy about sleeping on the futon couch.

When someone says house, we cry a little.

Everyone's lost their mind. People are going crazy. I once sat in my room in the dark just to imagine that I was in a bigger house.

A dull pain settles over us. We're getting close to numb about the whole situation.

Rented a beach house! WE ARE TAN AND HAPPY!!!

BEACH HOUSES ARE THE BEST!!! D.R. Horton becomes a curse word.


So. That's my year so far summed up. We were in a condo for 9+ months. As in, three girls in one bedroom, four boys in another, parents on the couch and sharing the utility closet for clothes, and one bathroom for us all.

Funny fun fun, isn't it?

Not to mention the condo only had like two windows in the main area, so the whole place was like a cave.

When we walked into our new house, my sister busted out with;

I think I cried a little.

Anyways, that's why I didn't post that much those last few weeks. We're busy moving into our new house.

See, the deepness of this is, the condo was awful. But we placed our hopes in material things (our house) and it kept getting taken away. We should have been looking to God, who is always constant. Though I cried out for mercy many times in the last year, I didn't put my focus on Him, because I assumed everything would be awesome as soon as we got our house. I should have known that true peace comes with God.


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