During a writer meeting with the Young Writer's Program I am involved in, I was asked about don't do what you want them to and sort of take on their own identity, that's when they really come alive."
characters. I replied, without thought, "Well, I find that when a character does what I want it to, it isn't really a character, more like a puppet. When characters
One of the teachers sat in silence, then said, "That was really amazing, the way you put that. Write that down!"
Now that I've had time to think about it, I have gleaned the truth out of it as well (because I don't really think about what I say, it just sort of comes out without former thought). And it's true; my naughty character Dirco used to be the shining example of beautiful alive characterness. He made smart-aleck remarks when I wished he would be emotional, and he would write in his little notebook whenever I didn't want him to. So, in a sad, strange attempt to put a bridle on his personality problems, I said, "Now Dirco, in the next book, you're going to have some feeling and emotional problems and you're going to like it!"
It was a big mistake. Now, he's a slave to my foolishness, and completely lacks in original thought and motive. He's all me. And I hate it.
Now I wish I could say something really encouraging and give you my results in changing Dirco back, but sadly I haven't done so yet. I'm finding it a bit difficult to cut the puppet strings.
So the moral of this story is: NEVER TRY TO TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR CHARACTERS. When they do their own thing, cheer! You've made a great character! Hooray!!
Now go and pray I can get my real Dirco back. Really hard.
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