Thursday, May 23, 2013

Writer's Attention Deficit Disorder

Writer's Attention Deficit Disorder

A disease found primarily in authors/writers, characterized by inability to focus on one project at a time and/or constantly shifting between several projects at random intervals. Side effects include random thoughts, writer's block, and intense finger cramping.

I have a bad case of Writer's ADD.

Really, really bad.

As in, incurable.

Let me count how many books I am actively writing...

Six. And that's an approximate because I might have missed something.

I really don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I manage to keep up with all of these books pretty well, it just takes a really long time to finish these novels. It's maddening, really, because I know I could finish a book pretty fast if I could focus on one at a time, but I can't. I get random inspirations for lots of books. Would that make me prolific? I'm not sure. So I came up with Writer's ADD instead.

I think it's an accurate representation of my life.

Here's a list of the titles of the books I have stuffed in my "Books" folder. Just for fun!

The Journey
The Sentinels
Embers (a prequel to The Cycle of Time)
The Secret of Blackrock Cave
The Cave of Thieves
Rex's Island
The Bermuda Triangle
Shadows Rising
The Deadlands
The Uprising
Free Spirit
Encephalon (whoo, dat's a mouthful)
The Round Table
Never Listen to your Best Friend's Little Brother
Blue Skyys
The Irias-Windr

Keep in mind I'm really only working on The Sentinels, The Secret of Blackrock Cave, The Deadlands, The Uprising, The Irias-Windr, and Blue Skyys.

This is mainly just for reassurance, for those lost little writers. Like me. You're not alone. Just so you know. I think a lot of writers think, "Oh, I must be the only one who does this," or, "Am I the only writer in the world who hates blue pens?"

I mean, REALLY?! Blue pens?! What's the point of making ink if it's gonna be blue? I mean, for REAL!!

So I love to let writers know they're not the only ones who do weird stuff. We writers are weird people. It takes a messed up person to sit at a computer screen for hours on end dreaming up ways to bring pain to a fictional person's life, after all.

It's like Batman. "Any guy who dresses up like a bat clearly has issues." (Bruce Wayne, Batman Begins) So we're, like, the Batman of all awesome people. Or something.

But isn't that why we do what we do?

Thanks again for listening to my pointless rambles!


P.S. Also, if you would like to know about any of these books, I will write a synopsis and post it if you write a comment requesting it. Anyone may comment.

P.S.S. I can't promise any of these books will ever meet the face of a publisher. Of any sort.


Shannon said...

Thank you for writing this post. My 9-year-old daughter does this and I wasn't sure if that was a normal thing for writers. And I think she thinks it's a bit odd, too. She constantly has new ideas for plays, chapter books, short stories, poems, etc. and starts, but isn't great at finishing. I'll just keep encouraging her to write whatever pops into her head and someday, I'm sure she'll finish some of it. :)

Anastasia Cross said...

Shannon, that's great that your daughter is writing at such a young age, and even better that she has so many ideas! I started writing an 9 as well, and I still haven't overcome this Writer's ADD...I'm currently seriously working on I think four different novels. However, I've finished four as well, so I imagine it's normal for writers to be inspired. In fact, I think writer's ADD is a very good thing! :)
